"The Trinity & Work: How God's Work Informs Our Work" with Dr. Scott Swain, President of Reformed Theological Seminary - Orlando • In partnership with Faith Co-Op
In partnership with Faith Co-Op
5:40 - Lecture • 57:00 - Q&A
"The Trinity & Work: How God's Work Informs Our Work" - How does the work of the triune God inform our work? In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Paul provides an illuminating framework for addressing this question. In our various fields of labor, we are called to cooperate with God the Father in service to the Lord Jesus Christ by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Under God’s blessing, such work holds the promise of glorifying God and serving the common good.
Dr. Scott R. Swain is President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Swain has served on the RTS faculty since 2006, having previously taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
His main research interests include the doctrine of God, theological interpretation of Scripture, and modern Protestant theology, and he has published a number of books and essays on these topics. With Dr. Michael Allen, he serves as general editor of two series: Zondervan Academic’s New Studies in Dogmatics and T & T Clark’s International Theological Commentary.